Ravi Menon Named to Royal Society of Canada

Our Congratulations to Ravi Menon who was recently elected by his peers to be among the new fellows of the Royal Society of Canada.

RAVI Menon

Ravi Menon has been a pioneer in the use of MRI for structural and functional brain imaging. From the landmark demonstration and further development of functional MRI, to pioneering the use of ultra-high field MRI techniques for use in neuroscience and patient care, the groundbreaking neuroscience and neuroimaging advances developed by Menon are used in thousands of universities, research institutes, hospitals and pharma around the world today.

To read the complete article:https://news.westernu.ca/…/western-elite-named-among-royal…/

#MRI #science #RSC #CFMM #robarts #imaging #ravimenon #medicalbiophysics